4 Reasons Why I Should Avoid Phlebotomy Training Online?

The phlebotomist is taking blood from the patient The phlebotomist is taking blood from the patient
Image by www.freepik.com

The phlebotomy career is booming all over the UK, which is clear to all of us. But before embarking on this profession, which training to take? Since phlebotomy training can be done both online and offline, this might leave many of us bemused about which one to choose between.

Having said so, to become a phlebotomist in the UK, you must understand this profession well, as unlike other medical roles, a phlebotomy career is pretty striking yet competitive for youth who want to embark on this career path.

Hence, this blog will clear all your queries about phlebotomy training cause it will uncover 4 reasons why I should avoid phlebotomy training online and many more things.


Who is a Phlebotomist?

A phlebotomist is a profession that falls under the healthcare sector, responsible for taking blood from patients. They are also called phlebotomy technicians. The phlebotomist collects blood samples from the patients and sends them to be examined in the lab to find out the disease that can be identified through blood tests, which might be required before treating any disease.

They are not only blood-taking skills; they are responsible for learning about phlebotomy equipment and ways of controlling the patient before collecting blood from their vein, including establishing a sense of fearlessness, calmness and more.

How to Become a Phlebotomist in the UK?

To become a phlebotomist in the UK, you must go through steps of training which are:

  • Find Face to Face Phlebotomy Course: To become a phlebotomist in the UK, you must do a face to face phlebotomy course. Since it will teach you by hand how to take or collect blood from people with the help of a needle. Thus, attending phlebotomy training has no alternative way if you truly want to be part of this career.
  • Gain the Certificate: Once you have enrolled and attended the phlebotomy courses, you will gain a certificate at the end of the class, which will help foster your Phlebotomy career and more.
  • Voluntary Blood Donation Program:  Another great way of mastering phlebotomy training is through voluntary work. Once you acquire the skills of taking blood from any phlebotomy course, you can attend a voluntary blood donation program where you can polish your blood-taking skills. These work experiences and certificates will help you get full-time phlebotomist work in the UK.

4 Reasons Why I Should Avoid Phlebotomy Training Online?

Now, coming back to our actual queries, which were four reasons why I should avoid phlebotomy training online and check the below to find out about it:

  1. Online won’t teach Practical use of Needles:  A phlebotomist is required to use needles, Tourniquets, Alcohol Swabs, Syringes and much more equipment. As a result, in the phlebotomy course online, you won’t be able to do these tasks by yourself. Hence, learning to use this equipment onsite will benefit you for a longer time. For example, the Phlebotomy Training Institute provides onsite training where you will learn how to use these phlebotomy equipment and more.
  2. Hospital Atmosphere is Different: As you know, a phlebotomist will work in healthcare and hospitals mostly and thus online phlebotomy courses won’t help understand this atmosphere. In this case, doing face-to-face training will let you perceive the warmth of doing this task.
  3. Phlebotomy is a Hard Skill: So phlebotomy is a hard skill, and to master it, you must attend onsite training, which any online course is unable to provide. The phlebotomy course requires you to develop many technical skills, and thus, face-to-face training will let you master it.
  4. Human Interaction is Absent Online: We know in the blood-taking setting, you must handle people or patients with the utmost calm manner, which you can not learn in an online setting course, unlike face to face training.


To conclude on 4 reasons why I should avoid phlebotomy training online, you should avoid it because it won’t let you understand the atmosphere of how to behave in the healthcare, hospital and ways of handling patients. Learning to use phlebotomy equipment won’t be possible in the online setting course as well. So, find an on-site course and begin your phlebotomy career.

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