Three Practices That Improve Your Sleep Quality, by a Sleep Expert 



Get Laid Beds has teamed up with Katherine Hall, a sleep expert with over 13 years of clinical experience to offer the 3 essential things to incorporate into your lifestyle to improve sleep.

improving sleep

Whether you struggle to sleep at all, or feel like you could be getting more out from your downtime, these pieces of advice are essential to improving regular sleep.

Exercising in the morning

Katherine says: “Physical activity is important for maintaining overall health, happiness, and well-being. Exercise also promotes good, deep sleep and is especially beneficial when done in the morning. Not only does working out in the morning start your day off right, but it promotes alertness, improves focus, regulates your mood, and helps with memory and cognitive function. 

Additionally, when you wake up and exercise in the morning, you’re more likely to have a productive, active day that leaves you tired and more prepared for sleep at night. People who exercise in the morning report feeling more tired at night, falling asleep faster, staying asleep, and waking to feel rested and rejuvenated.”

Creating a sleep routine/schedule

Katherine says: “Everything you do leading up to bedtime can either hinder or help you achieve a quality night’s sleep. As humans, we thrive on routine. Our bodies function best when we know what to expect. It offers a sense of security and predictability. By creating a sleep routine, you’re helping your body and mind subconsciously recognise sleep cues that mean it’s time to prepare for rest.

Choose a few relaxing activities and perform them at the same time each night, in the same order. For example, try having dinner around the same time each night. Brew a cup of chamomile tea to enjoy with a light snack about 60 to 90 minutes before going to bed. Turn off your phone and all other electronics around the same time. Find a relaxing activity you enjoy like reading, writing in a journal, listening to music, or meditating and perform it about 30 minutes before getting into bed each night. Over time, your body will thrive on this routine and you’ll find yourself getting tired enough for sleep and falling asleep more quickly.”

Writing in a journal 

Katherine says: “Writing down your thoughts and feelings is one of the best ways to clear your mind and prepare for sleep. Even if you’re not a writer or have never written in a journal before, this activity can help you purge any negative thoughts or anxiety before bed, reducing racing thoughts and stress so you can fall asleep more easily. 

There’s no right or wrong way to write in a journal. Start by making a list of things you want to accomplish the next day. This helps you feel more prepared and less worried over what tomorrow will bring. You can also reflect on the day gone by. 

Write down any residual stress or emotions that you’re still carrying with you. If any of this sounds too overwhelming, simply make a list of what you want to accomplish the next day or the upcoming week. By organising and sorting through your thoughts, tasks, and feelings in a journal, you can let them go and prevent them from keeping you up at night.”

Have any of the above practices improved the quality of your sleep? If so, we’d love to hear from you! Get in touch with us over on Twitter at @getlaidbeds

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